Prepping for pregnancy

Egg and sperm quality and quantity are everything in the reproductive stakes. Conceiving is only the first step. Your embryo has to be healthy enough to last the journey to implantation and beyond. The Making Healthy Babies 28-day pregnancy prep will get you there.

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deborah pym
Microplastics and fertility

Microplastics and fertility. Read on to learn more about the threat of microplastics to our health and fertility, how to reduce exposure and detoxing tips to keep your body as plastic-free as possible.

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deborah pym
Case study: AMH-Challenged Kate*

Are your AMH levels low? The so-called "egg-timer" or ovarian reserve test cannot predict natural fertility and egg health and according to the most recent study, should not even be used to predict IVF success.

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deborah pym
Case Study: ‘Poor swimmers’ Sam*

Male infertility accounts for between 40-50% of infertility cases and affects around 7% of men.

Around 90% of male infertility issues are caused by low sperm count. However poor sperm motility, or asthenozoospermia, is a common factor too.

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deborah pym
Case study - Stressed Nina*

A stressed body will choose not to be a fertile body…until conditions change. How many ways can a body be stressed? Over-exercising, under-eating, being out of balance physiologically, mentally, emotionally…

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deborah pym
Fuelling-up for fertility

Have you considered how the fuel you put in your body impacts its function? Whether you want to eat to promote a fertility-ready body, or just want to function well, consider what dietary style will serve you better -a Mediterranean or Western-style (Standard Australian Diet, SAD) diet?

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deborah pym