Prepping for pregnancy

Holistic prepping for pregnancy with the Making Healthy Babies eCoursE… the 28-day program will set you on the path TO a planned conception, a trouble-free pregnancy and a healthy and happy baby.

The foundations will be in place for the 3-month ‘fertility-optimising window’.

Pregnancy prepping is so important in improving egg health by optimising the conditions under which eggs mature and are released. Egg health is influenced by many factors, including lifestyle, nutrition, and the environment. Here's how prepping for pregnancy can enhance egg quality no matter what your age.

1. Improved Nutritional Status

  • Antioxidants: Prepping for pregnancy emphasizes a diet rich in antioxidants (e.g., vitamins C and E, zinc, and selenium) that combat oxidative stress, which can damage eggs.

  • Folate: Sufficient folate intake supports cell division and reduces the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in eggs.

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, these fats improve blood flow to the ovaries and promote egg quality.

  • Protein and Iron: Balanced levels support overall reproductive health and ensure that eggs receive the nutrients needed for proper development.

2. Hormonal Balance

  • Prepping for pregnancy helps regulate hormones through the fertility cleanse making nutrients available to support healthy levels. Lifestyle adjustments, such as stress management, healthy eating, support hormone levels. Balanced hormones are essential for successful egg maturation and ovulation.

3. Reducing Toxin Exposure

  • Prepping for pregnancy not only includes a gentle cleanse of environmental toxins and pathogens, it encourages avoiding alcohol, smoking, and environmental toxins. These substances generate free radicals that damage egg cells and disrupt hormonal balance. Importantly, removing pathogens and toxins allows for greater access to nutrients, which, in turn, balances hormones and provides necessary nutrients for a conception and pregnancy.

4. Supplements

  • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): Enhances mitochondrial function, critical for energy production in eggs.

  • Vitamin D: Improves ovarian function and egg maturation.

  • Inositol: Particularly beneficial for women with PCOS, inositol supports egg quality and insulin sensitivity.

  • Activated B vitamins: Especially Vitamin B6, B12 and folate

6. Managing Chronic Conditions

  • Conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and thyroid disorders can impact egg health. Preconception care includes addressing these conditions to improve fertility outcomes, as well as genetic variations such as MTHFR.

7. Stress Reduction

  • High cortisol, a stress hormone, can negatively affect egg quality. Preconception care promotes mindfulness, yoga, meditation, and other stress-reduction techniques.

8. Sleep Optimisation

  • Good sleep hygiene ensures proper hormone regulation, including those involved in egg development, such as melatonin and luteinising hormone.

9. Blood Flow Enhancement

  • Activities like moderate exercise and acupuncture (if pursued) can improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, ensuring optimal oxygen and nutrient delivery to the ovaries.

    Eggs take about 90 days to mature before ovulation. Pregnancy Prep during this period can significantly impact the health of eggs that will be ovulated in future cycles.

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