5 Best Supplements for Egg Quality

Co enzyme Q 10 (CoQ10)

  • this antioxidant is in every cell of the body and promotes good blood flow

  • provides antioxidant protection for egg health

  • supports mitochondria within ovarian health helping with the maturation of an egg

  • it is difficult to get enough from diet so is an important nutrient to supplement

  • ivf clinics can prescribe at 600mg/d

Activated B vitamins

  • B vitamins are important for so many fertility functions -the release of the egg, implantation and embryonic development.

  • folic acid is in most prenatal supplements. Please only choose a supplement that has activated B6 (P5P), B12 (methylcobalamin), and B9 (methyl folate)

    Reject any supplement that states synthetic ‘folic acid’.

  • many people have an MTHFR gene variant making activating folic acid difficult exposing them to possible miscarriages and DNA synthesis problems.

  • risks to the baby include midline defects - spina bifida, cleft palate


    Zinc is such an important mineral and antioxidant in egg health. This multi-tasking mineral improves the following fertility issues -

  • smaller eggs

  • disrupted egg cell growth

  • problems in cellular development

  • impaired ability of eggs to divide properly

    Zinc can make you feel nauseous if taken on an empty stomach. Read labels and avoid zinc oxide. Zinc picolinate is well-absorbed.

    Vitamin C

    So important and often overlooked in fertility and egg health, making hormones and ovulation.

  • as an antioxidant Vitamin C protects egg DNA from oxidative stress.

  • assists in keeping ovaries healthy and creating and maturing follicles

  • found in the fluid of the follicle nourishing the egg

    Vitamins C is not stored in the body, so regular doses are needed prenatally. High doses, above 1000mg, can make cervical mucus dry and become too acidic, harming sperm.

    Cod Liver Oil

  • as an important Omega -3 fatty acid it improves estrogen levels, so important for development of reproductive tissues.

  • improves embryo morphology

  • as an anti-inflammatory, reducing oxidative stress

  • has a DHA ratio greater than EPA (excellent for egg and sperm health)

  • increases blood flow to the uterus

  • Rich in Vitamins A and D, helping the follicles to mature and regulate hormones.

deborah pym