100-day checklist for a successful conception

Alllowing 100 days prepping prior to a planned conception will bring you the joy of an easy conception and pregnancy, and a happy and healthy baby…. a ‘clean’ baby born without environmental toxins that will impact development and have an impact on all aspects of health, including gut health and neurological function…think autism, ADHD, anxiety.

While the Making Healthy Babies eCourse is readily available and covers all aspects of preconception preparation in 5 modules, plus a nutritional script and dietary guidelines, this 100-day checklist provides the important essential basics.

The structure is 1 week of action, the next week to embed, for the 3months.

All tasks apply to both parents, other than coming off hormonal contraception, and keeping testes cool and EMF-free.

Week 1

  • Buy and start taking a pregnancy supplement. Do not buy a supplement that has ‘folic acid’, as it is synthetic and for many will not support the methylation pathways so important for your pregnancy and baby’s development.

  • Start reducing intake of flour-based products. These all have synthetic folate added as well as having inflammatory gluten. This includes many processed foods. Swap out with rice or other non-flour based grains.

  • Stop taking the OCP or other forms of hormonal/steroidal contraception. Use non-steroidal contraception for the next 100 days. Be proactive about not conceiving during this time. You will become increasingly fertile, but the egg and sperm will not be at their fertile best.

  • Swap out ‘skinny’ for ‘full fat’ foods.

  • Swap out margarine or softened butter or spreads for natural butter. Only use butter, olive oil and coconut oil.

  • Do a pantry and fridge sweep - ditch processed sweet carbs and gluten products.

Week 2

Complete and embed Week 1’s tasks.

Week 3

  • Start replacing plastics, one container at a time. Plastics are endocrine disruptors and toxic, impacting fertility. Avoid combining plastics, food and heat.

  • Microwave using non-plastic containers.

  • Begin taking a pregnancy probiotic. The three strains that are particularly effective for pregnant women are Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12, and Lactobacillus acidophilus.

  • Start taking 2 garlic capsules/day. They, along with probiotics, will help tidy and enhance your microbiome. Your microbiome will become your baby’s microbiome…make it balanced and healthy.

  • Start taking SB (Saccharomyces boulardii) probiotics. They will balance yeasts and support gut health. They are available at chemists. Take 3/week, through the 100-day prep, through pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

  • Start walking daily… how many steps are manageable for you? Set aside a time each day, so a walking habit can be established, or continue your regular exercise/sport throughout your reproductive phase.

  • Remove alcohol. Swapping out for delicious mocktails and sparkling water makes the transition easy.

Week 4

Complete and embed Week 3’s tasks.

Week 5

  • Assess protein intake, which is essential for growth and development for you and baby.

  • Assess fruit and vegetable intake. The old ‘2 fruit/5 vege’ a day is a useful guide. Fruit contains sugar, so limit to 2 servings/d, while enjoying a variety and an abundance of vegetables. Try to buy organic, or at least those you can peel, to avoid the insecticides, and pesticides prevalent on all other fruit and vegetables. Wash fruit and vegetables, especially if not organic.

  • Assess carbohydrate intake. Avoid processed carbs, and embrace vegetable carbohydrates and pulses.

  • Avoid soy products, especially as a beverage. They are mostly GM (genetically modified), heavily sprayed with chemicals, and can be hormone disruptors).

  • Adopt a Mediterranean diet.

  • Assess water intake - quantity and quality. Filtered water is so much better than tap water. Heavy metals, chlorine and other toxins are removed in the filtering process. When water tastes delicious it is easy to enjoy.

  • Assess caffeine intake. How much is beneficial for you?

    * For a deep dive into pregnancy and nutrition, the Making Healthy Babies eCourse has it all covered.

Week 6

Complete and embed Week 5’s tasks

Week 7

  • Take zinc, 3/week, in addition to the zinc in your pregnancy supplement, aiming for around 35mg/d. Zinc is essential to make stomach acid, which, in turn, supports the breakdown of foods ready for absorption, especially proteins and minerals, protects the body from pathogens and triggers the release of digestive enzymes. Zinc is also necessary for progesterone production.

  • Take daily magnesium as it helps to balance and regulate hormones, supports the sleep cycle, is needed for egg and sperm health and so much more…your dietary sources of leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and whole foods will support magnesium levels.

  • Assess the cleaning products used in your home. So many have excess toxin levels. Vinegar, bicarb soda, and essential oils can all do a great job, while not impacting your toxic load.

  • Assess your personal care products. Many of these products are endocrine disruptors, messing with your fertility. The Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) Skin Deep database offers safety information on more than 9,000 ingredients and 70,000 products. Ditch all fragrances, and products containing them- scented bin bags, toilet paper, scented trees to deodorise your car.

  • Assess gardening products. Ditch Roundup and opt for a greener solution to managing weeds…there are sprays available that are non-toxic.

  • Buying new cars and furniture and renovating is not a good idea at this stage due to the outgassing of toxins, and general exposure to toxins.

  • Invest in an ionic foot spa to stimulate a detox response removing heavy metals and environmental toxins. A box of Footsies is also effective. Neither are to be used in pregnancy.

    Week 8

    Complete and embed Week 7’s tasks.

  • Plan a holiday

    Week 9

  • Learn how to make one fermented food - yoghurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir. (YouTube is a great source)

    Every family needs a source of beneficial probiotics to support gut health.

  • Revise work/life balance.

  • Review and manage toxic relationships.

  • Visit the doctor for a preconception check-up - a revision of medication in the pregnant state, vaccinations Rebella? Get an MTHFR blood test while you are there. It provides valuable information.

  • Visit the dentist. Sources of inflammation will drain your immune system of essential nutrients.

    Week 10

    Complete and embed Week 9’s tasks

    Week 11

  • Have a massage.

  • Check EMFs in your home. Make good decisions about where you charge your electronic devices at night, not in your bedroom.

  • Men, keep mobile phones and laptops away from testes. Apart from being EMF-free, they don’t want to be bound in tight pants, or near sources of heat.

  • Review menus and make good decisions before you eat out.

  • Ask about cooking oils used. Canola, Cottonseed, and other vegetable oils are to be avoided.

  • Locate the best local/organic foods in your area. Farmers markets provide great options.

  • Identify any other stressors.

    Week 12

  • Complete and Embed Week 11’s tasks.

Take the holiday, relax, because in 14 days time

your egg and sperm are conception-ready


deborah pym